Beyond Wealth and Positions | Umair Malik Aman

The journey that began fifteen years ago is continuing at a natural pace.

When the journey started, I was a young student and it seemed like if I just complete this course, I’ll succeed, if I take that training, I’ll succeed, if I get my MBA, I’ll succeed.

Courses continued, I got my MBA, internships happened, projects kept coming.

Allah SWT granted me the opportunity to work with individuals and organizations and gave me the projects that seemed impossible for me when I started.

However, with progress, the restlessness grew.

I met some people whose achievements seemed unreachable, as if even after achieving multiple lifetimes, I wouldn’t reach their level of accomplishments.

The company of some teachers changed the standards of success, showing that wealth, comforts, ease, and positions are neither the purpose of life nor are these things always available to us.

The purpose of life is much greater than these things, and striving for purpose continues until death; sometimes Allah gives us small successes to boost our morale, sometimes Allah tests us with failures to teach us patience.

There is not a single person in the world who has always seen happiness, nor is there anyone who has only seen sorrow.

You too will not always find success or happiness in this world, nor will you always be unsuccessful and sad. However, you can always remain steadfast towards your ultimate purpose of life.

Please pray for me in particular that I continue to strive for the purpose of life and keep inviting people to work for their true purpose in life.

If you also want to live your life with a purpose and want to discuss anything with me, you can contact me.

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