
Developing Purpose-Driven Individuals, Families
and Institutions.

About Me

I am the founder of ShortMBA.com and U Training & Consulting. I have served students from 131 countries through my online courses, and each success story fuels my commitment to creating a lasting impact. My work focuses on empowering individuals and organizations to overcome challenges and create purpose-driven impacts that benefit society as a whole.

Coming from humble beginnings, with my father as a taxi driver, I was inspired early on by my school teacher, Abdur Rauf, to rise above feelings of helplessness. His mentorship motivated me to facilitate others to create purpose-driven impact.

I’ve had the privilege of working alongside Suleman Ahmer, founder of Timelenders, whose depth of experience and passion for developing others has elevated my journey to the next level.

Our vision at U Training & Consulting is to develop purpose-driven individuals, families, and institutions that can create positive social impact.

FREE 90-Minute Workshop

Join our Free Masterclass on Crafting an Impactful Life and discover the 5E Framework! This powerful model—Explore, Envision, Execute, Evaluate, and Enhance—will guide you through practical steps to achieve clarity, purpose, and lasting transformation. Don’t miss this opportunity to design a life aligned with your highest goals and values. Sign up now to start your journey toward impact!

Free Masterclass on Impact Life


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Free 90 Minutes Workshop

Insights & Stories


Don’t Start From Scratch | Umair Malik Aman

Don’t Start From Scratch | Umair Malik Aman

You can buy a toaster in a high street store for less than £3.99. Or you can attempt to make one yourself from scratch at a cost of  £1187.54, extracting…

The Magic of Apple’s Customer Love | Umair Malik Aman

The Magic of Apple’s Customer Love | Umair Malik Aman

Apple not only knows what you want, but they also predict your needs before you even know it!  Remember when those sleek wireless earbuds took the world by storm.  🎧“The…

Faith it until you make it | Umair Malik Aman

Faith it until you make it | Umair Malik Aman

After completing my marketing consulting assignment, when I descended from the building, suddenly it occurred to me that this was the same road with which I had a fifteen-year-old connection.…

Book a Free Discovery Call

Unlock your true potential with a free discovery call! Whether you’re a professional, family head, or business owner, this session will help you clarify your goals and overcome challenges. Let’s craft a personalized roadmap to create a purpose-driven life, business, or family. Book now to take the first step toward impactful growth!



Book a Free Discovery Call

Book a Free Discovery Call Form


Free Worksheets

Resources (Free Worksheets) Form


Part-Time Business Workbook (Free Workbooks)

Resources (Free Workbooks: Part-Time Business Workbook) Form


Impactful Life Master Blueprint (Free Workbooks)

Resources (Free Workbooks: Impactful Life Master Blueprint) Form


Impactful Parenting (Free Class)

Resources (Free Class: Impactful Parenting) Form


Impactful Teaching (Free Class)

Resources (Free Class: Impactful Teaching) Form


Impactful Goals Coaching

Impactful Goals Coaching Form


Impactful Life (Free Class)

Resources (Free Class: Impactful Life) Form

Registration for Masterclass

Part Time Business Masterclass

Part Time Business Masterclass Form

Registration for Masterclass

Money Management Masterclass

Money Management Masterclass Form

Registration for Masterclass

Performance Excellence Masterclass

Performance Excellence Masterclass Form

Registration for Masterclass

Impactful goal setting Masterclass

Impactful goal setting Masterclass Form

Registration for Masterclass

Impactful Life Masterclass

Impactful Life Masterclass Form


Performance Excellence

Performance Excellence Form


Impactful Life Program

Impactful Life Program Form